Battery Status for Android update
Today I release an update for Battery Status on Google Play and Amazon AppStore. Here’s a short summary of what’s new. Runtime Permissions I finally updated app to API 23, that is Android 6 […]
Android Performance: Java vs Xamarin vs Xamarin.Forms Part 2
Here’s the second part of the post from the last week. Just to remind you, I was comparing performance of Java, Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms. I was focusing on loading times and how good UI and […]
Android Performance: Java vs Xamarin vs Xamarin.Forms Part 1
I created a short comparison of performance for Java and Xamarin. This test is only for Android, there is no comparison for iOS. I come from C# and Windows development and I’m more familiar with […]
Why is Google Play better than Windows Store?
Last week I made a post about why Windows Store is better than Google Play. It was mainly about free marketing support for developers from Microsoft and third parties. This week I would like to take a […]
Why is Windows Store better for developers than Google Play?
Developers usually choose Android or iOS as their entry point to the mobile world. They are encouraged by big market share of the mentioned systems. However for small, indie developers it may be very difficult to […]
Unity3D vs CocosSharp – which one is better for your project?
I would like to compare these 2 game engines, Unity3D and CocosSharp, because I had a chance to use them both lately. It won’t be a comprehensive guide, just the things I noticed. Obviously, Unity […]
Do battery saver apps and battery calibration apps really work?
There’s a lot of apps in Google Play that claim to save battery life or repair damaged battery. Do they really do what they advertise or are they just another scam? Battery Savers Let’s […]
How can I improve battery life on my Android?
Battery life is not great for a lot of Android users and we wish it was better. Often we can’t do anything about it, but there are situations that allow some optimization. Let’s see what can […]
Voice notifications and more in new Battery Status update
I just released another update for Battery Status for Android. Here’s a quick summary of new features. Custom sounds for notifications With all the notifications you probably never know what notification you just received […]
Battery Status update with cool new features
Yesterday I released update for Battery Status on Google Play for some of the users. It will come out for everyone in the next few days. There are some new really nice features that I […]